Monday, April 9, 2012

Stopping Treatment on Jubilee

I called a vet Friday and Saturday, but the vet was too busy. It looks like a good vet can have a busy career around here. Jubilee is still not flowing on her left udder, and at this time I suspect it is dead. I have been told a dead half udder is fine, she can live with it. I saw her licking the damaged teat. I hope she is not re-infecting herself. So today we stopped the antibiotic treatment, and we'll see how it goes. She received the treatment for 16 days. If Jubilee is still fine a week from now, we will start pasteurizing and drinking her milk. She is producing more than a quart a day on that half udder, which is plenty for us. Being milked on 1 side only will also take a lesser load on her, so I really hope she makes it.
We will still need to see a vet eventually, to know if we should dry her earlier, what precaution should be taken for drying her, and if we should breed her again.
I am now thinking on breeding Dolly, the LaMancha, with Papa, our Nigerian buck, to get mini-Manchas. They are not as noisy as Nubians, and Jubilee, as a Nubian, is VERY noisy. So for folks living in town, a mini-Mancha is more desirable than a mini-Nubian.

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