Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Another Welcomed Wild Guest

This morning, during my tour, I found a Red Backed Salamander trapped inside a bucket. We had about 2 inches of rain during the previous night, so the bucket was half full of water. Here is this beautiful salamander:

Here is the Wiki page on Red Backed Salamanders:
[ Red Back Salamanders ]
And here is a good link about Amphibians of the Skykomish watershed:
[ Amphibians of the Skykomish Watershed ]
It is always a good thing to find salamanders in your yard, because they are extremely sensitive to harmful chemicals. They are a good indicator that the place where they live is free of those chemicals. They also feed on bugs such as ants or small spiders.
BE CAREFUL though, as some salamanders and newts secrete a poison on their skin. Handling them bare handed may result in a rash. If you handle food with contaminated hands, the result could be deadly. Don't handle them bare hands (like I did, I didn't know until I looked up for information).

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